PS3 Jailbreak 4.84 CFW Official

PS3 Jailbreak 4.84 CFW Official

PS4Portal can proud to represent you our latest release of PS3 4.84 Jailbreak! Our team work on this Jailbreak just after official update has released. Many thanks to GeoHot who create first PS3 Jailbreak and who managed to fix the major bug of us PS3 Jailbreak software. We are jailbreak 4.84 like geohot and now we can offer you to download this jailbreak.
ps3 jailbreak header


  • PS3 4.83 or below (we recomend to update to official 4.84)
  • USB Stick with least 200mb free space
  • Winrar (You can download from here) to unzip

Instructions to install

Step 1: Download PS3 jailbreak (from link below)
Step 2: Unzip with Winrar
Step 3: Create a folder in the root of the USB stick called PS3
Step 4: Create a folder inside the PS3 folder called UPDATE
Step 5: Copy PS3UPDAT.PUP into UPDATE folder on USB
Step 6: Plug USB into your PS3
Step 7: Go to System software Update, then go over and select Update from USB storage device
ps3 usb update
Step 8: It will say Update Has Found 4.84-jailbreak and select OK

Step 9: Wait 4-5 min to install after install PS3 will restart
Step 10: Check in system information if your PS3 is jailbreaken (it will say Version 4.84 CFW)

11: Now on Game tab on XMB you can install custom PKG files, and it comes with multiman and iris backup manager preinstalled.
install pkg xmb


  • After Jailbreak you can access PSN and play multiplayer
  • Games from disc works
  • In this jailbreak is included brick-free patch (it is 100% brick free)
  • Works on all models include new superslim
  • We are not responsible if you use this custom firmware to run pirated content


  1. Thanks for sharing such a piece of useful information about PlayStation 4. I found a similar article on another amazing site named “PSX EXPLOITS”. There I found an amazing article which was about “PS4 Jailbreak.” This Site provides a real and latest PlayStation 4 Jailbreak which supports the latest firmware too which is 7.02. This Jailbreak is Kernel-Based, So it will work for sure. All the information and installation details are given in the article. You should visit that site too for once.


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